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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Designer blouse with petal sleeve

                The designer blouse made for my younger sister for this diwali.Bought this saree from Vijays in parrys corner.could you guess the price of the saree?cost Rs.260 only.No one agree the price of the saree,because of  the blouse and the design of the saree .
               Features of this blouse design is petal sleeve with contrast color piping and two hanging  bead work on the center of the sleeve.On the backside of the blouse I stitched 1 inch strips of the golden color to make the above design and made rose using the blouse material . 
               Tutorial for the Rose.Rose stitched on the center of the blouse.


  1. I have to say...the blouse looks awesome! Good work :)

  2. Thank you for your valuable comment Neeti:)

  3. how to stitching this hands plz tell me if have any information plz send my email id (lakshmi0819@gmail.com)

  4. pls teach me how to stitch it my mail id is visrath31@yahoo.co.in or my number is 9940488441
