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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wax art

Wax dollar for chain.
1.For this we need wax,mould (I use circular mould),a petal of any flower.
2.Apply oil on the mould,place the petal on the mould.
3.Heat wax ,when it is completely melted.
4.pour wax into the mould.put hole on that wax refer the image .Let it be cool.Take it out  from the mould .

Skirt and Shirt(kids)

       This is the first time I stitched dress for kids.This dress is for my cousin's daughter.I will update the tutorial soon.

Rug or Mat

1.Take any cotton cloth and cut 1 inch strips.
2.Take 3 strips of the same color or different color and stitch together ,start braiding those strips.If you are out  of  cloth ,then attach strips ,start braiding,till u get desired length.

3.Using the braided strips,start looping from the center and form a circle,then machine stitch the rug like the below figure.